The steering committee of CARMEN i.e CNRS (INC and INP), ENS de Lyon, IFP Energies nouvelles, Sorbonne University and the University of Strasbourg
- CNRS : C-M. Pradier (Deputy Scientific Director – sections 13 et 14, INC), N. Keller (Deputy Scientific Director, INP), P. Breuilles (Deputy Scientific Director -International and Industrial Partnerships, INC)
- ENS de Lyon : T. Dauxois, Vice-President of Research
- IFPEN : O. Vizika, Scientific Director
- Sorbonne University : B. Bachimont, Director of Research and Development, Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University: Ph. Cassagnou, Deputy Vice-President of Research
- Strasbourg University : C. Florentz, Senior Vice-Chairperson of Research
Management Board: N. Schildknecht, A. Lesage, Ovidiu Ersen and Pierre Levitz
Guest members: L. Michot (Director of PHENIX) / N. Malikova (Research Leader, PHENIX), G. Pintacuda (Director of CRMN), P. Rabu (Director of IPCMS)
Objectives of the steering committee
- Monitoring whether the program's objectives are fulfilled
- Reviewing the progress of the work
- Discussing and approving the annual program to be undertaken
- Taking decisions about any issues relating to the research program and the operation of the joint research laboratory, in relation with the initial objectives