A partnership between laboratories of excellence
By bringing together three research teams of excellence, namely the Center for Very High Field Magnetic Nuclear Resonance in Lyon (CRMN, CNRS/ENS de Lyon/Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University), the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (IPCMS, CNRS/University of Strasbourg) and the Physicochemistry Laboratory of Electrolytes and Interfacial Nanosystems (PHENIX, CNRS/Sorbonne University), as well as the the teams of the Research and Innovation Center of IFP Energies nouvelles, LCR CARMEN represents a unique consortium at an international level.
The LCR's major assets are the complementary skills of its research teams and the pooling of their high-performance equipment.
These assets will allow one to create new knowledge in the quantitative and combined use of advanced characterization techniques, including innovative in situ approaches, such as low and high-field NMR and imaging-based techniques in combination with state-of-the art modelling tools.